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First there were the creatures of the earth and the creatures of the deep.  Then from wolf the first alpha Brimstone broke free.  Respected was he and requests were granted onto him.  He took a male as his mate and given the ability of flight.  Thus he was powerful as a demon but he served one on neutral ground.  He was neither good nor evil.  Thus cast upon to him was a task of his kind.  The task of the dead.  Guides and saviors to those who can not find the light.  They will speak and listen.  For the Nemateelu are death.  No other can compare for they are powerful and they adapt.  More so than any other creature they adapt.



For their unpredictability hybrids are normally looked down upon though it is up to the alpha of the pack that the hybrid is born into as to what to do with it.  Normally death is chosen for the 'good of the child' as hybrids tend to lose the ability to control some of their more powerful traits or are born with little control over them at all. They are also considered an insult to the race.


Nemateelu generally claim a mate by a game of dominance and submission.  Generally a mate is chosen by the future possibility of strong pups however, once an emotional bond is formed Nemateelu mate for life.  To the point that often when one dies the mate will soon follow.


Nemateelu tend to live in small packs or villages, though they remain close with their family group.  The bonds between parents and their pups or even between siblings and extended family is a very strong one.  It takes a village to raise a pup is very well understood among the Nemateelu.  Extended family is just as respected as closer, immediate family.


Nemateelu generally give birth to one pup at a time though twins and triplets are very common.  Though some Nemateelu are able to give birth to a pup in what is considered a 'normal manner' most can not.  Thus the birthing process is partly ritual among their kind.  The Nemateelu is literally ripped open by the claws of their pack mates to retrieve the pup.  Thus their very fast regenerative and healing abilities come into play.  Certain hormones in the system during the birthing process speed up an already fast birthing rate meaning that some Nemateelu are up and able to relocate only an hour after being near disemboweled by their pack.

-Feeding the Pups-

Once the pup is born they feed entirely on the blood of their parents.  Nemateelu for this reason are able to regenerate blood faster than any other mammal.  To the point that some have to be bled occasionally to avoid falling ill.

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